Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Don't you wish your garden could do this?

This is just a few minutes of picking from my parents' garden. They planted over an acre of vegetables. I have already put up a little bit of corn (but we are expecting lots and lots of corn in a few weeks). Now I've got to get busy with putting up okra and putting up all the tomatoes that came out of our garden. The odd looking blob is the head of a mammoth sunflower that my dad planted as a buffer to keep insects off his garden. The white spots are the seeds. In the back you see a club of a zucchini (they did not realize they were producing yet - so it got a bit big) and you also see a watermelon. Once I get all the okra and tomatoes put up - I will have to go back for more (there is no way my parents can eat or put up all those vegetables - so my siblings and I get to take as we please!)

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