Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun at the Park

Jeremiah's face after his 3rd time down a slide by himself.

God blessed us with such a beautiful day so we took a walk and went to the park.

Title Change/Walking in the Spirit/Busyness

So I have been wanting to change the tile for some time - but really been trying to figure out what I would like that to be. I've really been thinking about what the Lord's theme is for my life right now. Desperate kind of describes it.

I have been thinking about things in my life like changing diapers, and playing dolls, holding babies, and trying to figure out how to keep the house clean during all that, as well as how to love Clay in the best way, serve Christ, and how to balance my family's happenings and Clay's family's happenings, with social obligations, and to be prayerful, and intentional towards others as well as intentional to raise godly children . . . plus getting dinner, laundry, grocery shopping.....

I have wanted a way to balance. And over and over as I have thought "I just wish I knew how to balance it all," I have felt the Lord saying, "My Word does not tell you to 'balance.' My Word tells you to surrender all for the sake of Christ, to seek first My kingdom and My righteousness, to abandon all, to walk in My Spirit."

And so the more I've thought about this the more I realize that I am royally going to screw it up. No matter what it is - I in my flesh will screw it up.

See I have come to terms with the fact that only the Lord knows what I need to be doing at any given moment. I am endlessly in a state of "What should I do now? Do I play with the kid who is at my feet beckoning me to play a game? Or what about the child who wants me to read their book? Oh but the baby is crying - do I go pick him up? And we have to have food . . . I need to be cooking dinner, oh and the clothes in the dryer just finished, and I have ten thank you notes that I am in the middle of writing, and I feel like God placed so&so on my heart and He wants me to call them, and I feel like He is whispering to me, "Kneel down pray. "

Here is the thing. There are times that the child needs to be picked up/read to/played with because if I don't at that moment, I am crushing their spirit. But there are times that they need to play by themselves or help me with the work because if I give in to all their requests I am over indulging them and making them even more self-centered.

There are times that I really need to call that friend - immediately because they really need words of encouragement at that moment.

There are times that I need to be on my face before the Lord - even if there are kids running around me, screaming and demanding my attention because I need to obey my Father and He may have me praying for someone who is in danger.

And there are times that the one thing I need to be doing is folding clothes or cooking dinner.

But I don't understand how all those times play out - in of myself.

I have to surrender myself to the Lord.

And therefore, I am realizing more and more that I am desperate. I am desperate for the Lord to direct each step.

I am desperate to be walking in the Spirit.

I was telling Clay last night that in the last few weeks, I have really felt as if the Lord is speaking to me, prompting me to pray, weeding out sin, circumcising my heart. I have been praying for Him to open up my eyes and heart - and in my flesh I don't necessarily like it.

It also scares me - because there are so many times that I don't stop and listen to the Lord - but just go on being busy. It happened the other day. The kids were asleep and I said to myself "Lord I know You want me to stop and pray - but God there are five baskets of clothes that I need to fold." And He responded in my heart, "I know you have clothes to fold. But I am calling you to pray. You can pray and let Me deal with sin in your heart or you can choose to disobey - but you might not hear from Me for a long time like you have been hearing from Me if you choose to disobey." Oh that was warning enough - for I don't want my heart to be hardened again.

Just today I was praying and crying to the Lord about a relationship that I have in which wires have been crossed, feelings have been hurt, and sins have been committed & forgiven. And as I was praying and crying to the Lord, "God I know that they were hurt. I am so sorry for that - but I too felt rejected by them being to busy to make time for our friendship." And the Lord gently whispered to me, "I know. I know how you feel. For I feel the same about you. I have asked you to stop and pray & fellowship and you say, 'but God I am too busy. But God I have clothes to wash, mouths to feed, places to go, I am so tired, I need sleep. ' "I have asked you to come to Me for help and you have said, 'but God I have Bible study, but God the baby is crying, but God...I am so busy." I know rejection, for you reject me now though I already paid the price on the cross and was rejected then. I know my child."

My SAM student(wise beyond her years) has said to me several times as we've meet to discuss things of the Lord that she God is teaching her that He gives us relationships on this earth for the purpose of understanding Him and how we are to relate to Him.
He gives us mothers so that we understand the He nurtures.
He gives us fathers so that we can understand He is our Father.
He gives us husbands (and those in authority) so we can learn to submit to Him.
He gives us friends so that we can learn to relate to Him as Friend.
And I am convinced He gives us kids to show us how unholy we are, how much sanctifying we need, and how His heart grieves over our sins, and to give us a picture of the deepness of the love He has for us.

So, with all this rambling I am trying to share that I am trying to keep remembering that I am desperate for the Lord because if I try and do anything in my flesh - I will make an utter mess.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Date Night

My sweet husband and I had a wonderful date. We went to a movie and loved it. Go see it if you get a chance. Then we ate dinner at a park until we cold not stand being outside anymore (swarming mosquitoes). Then we got to go sit in the van behind the airport and look at planes while we talked and we got to pray together. We decided it was time to leave right before we saw a car coming down this empty road (it was a cop that apparently was coming to see what we were doing cause the car followed us for a while). It was a good night!

If you get a chance go see Fireproof.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Things to be thankful for

1. That God circumcises our heart.
2. That all my kids are sleeping at the same time.
3. Worship - it gets me beyond myself and circumstances and gives me glimpses of our Holy God.
4. Holli my SAM student and mentoree who so unselfishly watched my two oldest while I took Jeremiah to doctor for check up.
5. My sister, Shan is expecting her first child!
6. Three beautiful children.
7. The cardinals that sit on my fence and eat bugs/seed from my yard.
8. A heavenly father that holds me up and carries me through the day.
9. Forgiveness
10. My handsome husband that I enjoy spending time with.
11. A date planned for this weekend.
12. Food to cook.
13. Stillness.
14. Fall is here.
15. The Lord draws us.
16. The Lord reveals sin that we might confess and be forgiven.
17. The eagerness of my kids (especially Micah) to do school.
18. Jeremiah is six months and so far this time around breastfeeding is still going strong(better than the other two times).

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Answered Prayer

Early this morning I met with two really neat and humble ladies who are willing to start meeting together regularly to pray for one another and our families. God has answered a longing within me and a prayer that I have been praying for years (though not always as faithfully as I should have been). I am so thankful and excited.

My prayer is for the Lord to be in our midst during this time and change us all into His likeness.

"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst."

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our House - Before and Now

It's been a long journey here at Wayside. We moved in and in the first week began painting and tore out the bathroom to floor beams and studs (hoping to finish in a couple of weeks, HA!). We ran in to sewer problems, gas line problems, time problem and life problems. We put in central heat and air, replaced most of the sewer lines, replaced the gas lines, remodeled the bathroom and kitchen, put up a white picket fence in the back, and painted the interior of the house (slooooooowly, nearly 3 years, and it's about 99% done).

In this house we've:
- seen two kids learn to walk and talk
- gone through 1.5 pregnancies
- had many many sleepless nights (from kids and from construction on the house)
- changed many many poopy diapers
- gone through two kids potty training
- survived two rat deaths (and their smell)
- taken showers outside because there was no functioning bathtub (in the cold, while very pregnant, and more than once)
- gone to Albertson's to go to the bathroom because there was no functioning toilet (more than once)
- watched our two oldest become the best of friends
- experienced growth in the Lord
- learned our marriage roles better
- seen our kids "sing like God"
- seen two kids take their first bites of food
- thrown two first birthday parties
- and so much more...

See the changes...
The Kitchen

The Dining Room

The Living Room


The Bathroom

Monday, July 28, 2008


New floors, cabinets, counter top, sink, and partial walls ... next up: doors for top and bottom cabinets & a fresh coat of paint.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How Blessed We Are

We would like to invite you to praise the goodness of our God with us. He has had us on a journey of growing our faith and molding us over these last few years (and He has all of His children and we are still being perfected). Clay and I got married with two years left of college (we’ve been married almost 6 years). We had plans of finishing school and both of us working for about 5 years before starting a family and we figured that we would have 3 or 4 children. We also both knew that we would like to do missions if God called us to that. We came out of college with significant debt (almost all of Clay’s college and my last two years) and credit card debt. We were not very wise in some of the choices we made – but we figured that with both of us working we would have it paid off in a short time after we got out of school.

We did not plan on God convicting us about our use of birth control just a few months after getting married. We both just felt like God was telling us that if we really trusted in Him and believed Him to be in control of all things that we would trust Him to give us a child in His perfect timing and that He would provide for all of our needs. We were preparing to graduate, I found a job, and Clay was preparing to go ahead an get his Master’s when we found out we were pregnant with our first child – just two days after walking across the stage to get our diplomas.

So we were a two-income family for only about 6 months out of our whole marriage. Needless to say we did not really pay off much of that enormous debt that we had incurred. Instead, we just got by and when something out of the ordinary would happen – the expense would go on credit cards.

A few months before we had Gabriella we were to the point of barely able to pay all of our bills. We were trying to eat rice and beans and meals prepared from chicken legs for most of our meals. We kept trying to remind ourselves that we were still eating better than most of the people in the world. We would do well for a little bit living inside our means and then we would just break down and go get something.

So we got further and further in debt. The summer after I had Gabriella I was in a Bible study and the Lord really used that to convict me of the sin of our debt. I felt like the Lord was saying that if we were going to trust Him to take care of us and provide that we had to pray more and take our hands off of the circumstances and let Him be the provider. That’s when we tried to stop using the credit cards at all. Clay switched jobs to bring home more money and then we cut up our credit cards. It is neat to look back and see how much God has provided for us.

There are so many instances of us looking at our budget and deciding that there was no way we could afford certain things. Then we would pray and God would provide. When Clay took this job we were a single car family but his job took him farther away from home with less flexibility to go in late and work around appointments and such. So we were concerned about the car issue. A little after Clay decided he was going to take the job we were given a car (an 84 Subaru that sounded like a motorcycle – but it got him back and forth to work.) We were ecstatic. Three months later we were given Nissan Sentra that is much more reliable.

Another instance was God’s provision of a mattress. We knew that it would be years before we could save to buy one. When I was pregnant with Jeremiah I would wake up with a backache so bad that I was having trouble walking – so we prayed and told God that we would really like a new one, but that we were thankful that at least we had a mattress. We were then given a mattress in much better condition when Clay’s parents decided to buy them a new mattress.

There would be times were I would wonder how in the world we were going to clothe Micah for the next season. I would worry and scheme and then I would tell the Lord that I did not know how I was going to clothe her. Then I would get a package in the mail full of clothes or I would get trash bags full of clothes that one of my friend’s from high school’s daughter had outgrown.
I had decided that I wanted to use cloth diapers for the third baby. We had budgeted so that we could afford to buy them. But then we had a lot of sickness with the girls and therefore a lot of doctors’ visits and a hospital stay. As a result of all the unplanned medical expenses, we did not have the money set aside for diapers. Again we talked with God about this and told Him of our desire for this. We were given 270 dollars about 6 weeks before we had Jeremiah. I was able to use that money for the cloth diapers and accessories that we had wanted to buy.

We were also was given a crib that turned into a toddler bed along with a cute bed set for a nursery. I had always wanted to buy a cute little nursery set but never felt like I had the money. I was quite excited to finally get one.

Another instance was that our pots and pans were in desperate need of replacing. We knew our financial situation would not allow for us to purchase them for many months or years. Clay and I prayed about the need for new ones and the resources to get them. I knew Clay was going to try and find away to come up with the money to bless me with new pots and pans for Christmas. But much to our surprise – the Lord had a different plan of providing those. One day Clay came home and brought me a very nice set of pots and pans and said that someone had asked him what he wanted to get me for Christmas. Then they bought pots and pans for me.

There were times when I was concerned about our food situation. One time a friend that was moving brought us everything that was left in their freezer and fridge. Another time there was a box of food brought to us. Not to mention all the meals that were provided for us after the birth of babies and after we got out of the hospital with Gabriella.

We could go on and on about all the ways we’ve seen God provide…

There were so many times in the midst of all of this that we would pray, “God we know you can deliver us from this. We also know that there are consequences to our sin of getting ourselves in debt. But God we are tired of living in bondage to all this debt and we want to learn whatever You want us to learn through this time. If You choose to deliver us praise You. If You choose to have us pay this out for the next thirty years praise You. We want Your will.“

I was quite ecstatic a few days ago when someone came to our home a wrote us a check that covers all of credit card debt, pays off our car, and leaves some money for us to finish up some projects around the house that we’ve never had money to do – so that we can get the house ready to sale. Praise be to the Lord, the Great Deliver!!!

As Clay was driving home that afternoon God reminded him that He gave us so much more in His Son, Jesus. As a result of this monetary gift of so much, I am now realizing how unfathomable is the Gift of Christ. How incomprehensible is His Gift!

Our prayer is that God would be glorified in our lives and that we would be surrendered to Him in every area of our lives. Whatever hardships or victories may come our way we want our lives to be the fragrance of Christ.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Daddy's Helpful Hand

Our SAM student was over the other night for dinner. We had finished eating and were sitting around the table waiting on the girls to finish up. Gabriella grabbed Clay's hand and entangled her little fingers around hers. Then she brought their hands up to her face. Holli and I looked over to see Gabriella sticking Clay's finger in her nose. We started to laugh and then Gabriella said, "Daddy, I diggin!"

A Three Year Old's Theology

Micah tells Clay last night as he is putting her down for bed: "Jesus likes it when I drink milk." Clay said, "Oh really." Then Micah said, "yeah He gets it all over. " Clay asked, "because Jesus is inside you?" Micah responds with "Yeah."

Today we were talking about Jesus and Micah said, "Jesus lives in heaven." I told her that He does and that we also say that He lives in our hearts and what we are meaning is that Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to live in us and help us. Micah says, "Jesus lives in heaven and heaven is in our hearts."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Don't you wish your garden could do this?

This is just a few minutes of picking from my parents' garden. They planted over an acre of vegetables. I have already put up a little bit of corn (but we are expecting lots and lots of corn in a few weeks). Now I've got to get busy with putting up okra and putting up all the tomatoes that came out of our garden. The odd looking blob is the head of a mammoth sunflower that my dad planted as a buffer to keep insects off his garden. The white spots are the seeds. In the back you see a club of a zucchini (they did not realize they were producing yet - so it got a bit big) and you also see a watermelon. Once I get all the okra and tomatoes put up - I will have to go back for more (there is no way my parents can eat or put up all those vegetables - so my siblings and I get to take as we please!)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Jeremiah is 10 Weeks

We went in to see the doctor today. He weighs 14.5 lb (with diaper) and is 24.5 inches thats up from last week at 13 lbs 12 oz (without diaper) and 23 3/4 inches. He is growing too fast in our opinions.

That's our boy... always spitting up.
(So how does he gain so much weight when he is always spitting up?)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Flower Seed Anyone?

I have hundreds of flower heads full of their seeds about to drop to the ground. Would anyone like some of the seeds? My flower bed cannot hold all these seeds and I would love to share. I am not sure of the type of flower. I have found several online that are similar but not exactly the same.

If interested post a reply with your email if I don't know it.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

For Mother's Day I (Clay) took Shala and the girls to the Waco zoo. We all had a blast and actually got a family picture.

Micah and her "picture" smile waiting to enter the zoo.

Gabriella worried her hat was going to fly away, mind you there was little wind.

Mommy and Jeremiah staying close to one another

The water is always a big hit with our girls.

My pretty girls and handsome boy loving on their beautiful mother.

We actually got a good picture as a family on the FIRST try!

After a long day of fun, Jeremiah has one request... FEED ME MOMMY!!!


Friday, April 25, 2008

A Two Year Olds Mind

A few days ago I was going to let the girls go swimming in their little pool.

Me: "Gabriella, go get your bathing suit."
G: "Okay!"
From her room I hear rattling and her grunting. She runs back into the kitchen where I am.
Me: "Gabriella, where's your bathing suit?"
G: "The drawer is not sharing with me!"

I call Jeremiah "little bub" and a lot of times when he cries Gabriella will scream out to him, "I'm coming little bub." Well yesterday she was climbing on her bed and hit on bottom on the wood railing and she started crying. I asked her what hurt and she said, "my bub." I asked, "your bottom (she was rubbing her bottom)." She responded, "No - my bub." I asked her, "Your butt (figuring she'd heard Clay or I call it that)." She said "Yeah - my bub."

Apparently she thinks I am calling Jeremiah "little butt."

Then today I was changing Jeremiah's diaper and Gabriella is rolling around on the bed where he's getting changed. She looks at him and says, "Whats that? What's that? (pointing towards his penis.) I tell her, "That is his penis."
Gabriella: "Peanuts?"
Me: "Penis."
Gabriella: "Peanuts!"

Well, she might be a little confused next time we ask her if she wants to eat peanuts!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


We were out at my mom's this weekend and we got some pictures of the girls in bluebonnets that I thought I would share. My brother is also in some of these with his "pet' turkey. My parents are raising some wild turkeys. This turkey follows my brother everywhere he goes. My dad says that Payt is her tom. The tom my parents had died awhile back and this particular turkey is wanting to lay eggs. So, instead of having a tom to mate with she chases my brother everywhere. He can even ride in the mule and the turkey will run alongside the mule right next to Payt. It is quite a sight!

Great Books

I was listening to a past talk by Nancy Leigh DeMoss on parenting and having great literature in the home. She highlighted a ministry, Lamplighter Publishing that is republishing books from the 1800's as well as publishing new books. These books teach character and they have picture books as well as novels. In other words, there is something for everyone. Check out this ministry. I am pretty sure that any of you who actually read this blog will find something on their sight that you would really enjoy reading. Also, I encourage you to listen to Nancy's talk if you are parents or plan on becoming parents at any time.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Meet the Ingalls Clan

We have been T.V.-less for over a week now. And it is going great. I have wanted to get rid of the T.V. for months now because I really felt like the kids were watching too much t.v. But in truth I was not ready to do that when it took all I had to wash two loads of clothes a day, do a load or two of dishes, and fix dinner. I was just not up to finding more ways to entertain the kids. So the t.v. stayed - though in my heart I hated that we had it - and really felt like it was becoming an idol in my children's lifes. But once I had the baby - I had tons of energy - and a lot more patience than I have had in months. So, praise the Lord for that! And praise the Lord - the t.v. is out of the house for now.

We went to the library and brought home 30 new books (not as if we have shortage of books here - but I wanted to give the kids something new to read). Now most of the time when I sit down to feed the baby, I also sit down to a stack of books to read to the girls (by the way I am learning things about insects and dogs that I had no idea about - like some grasshoppers have wholes in their legs which allow them to hear!). One of the books I got for them was Little House on The Prairie. I read it to them and their daddy at bedtime (we have to catch daddy up for the chapters he misses while he is at work and I read to them at nap time). The girls love it!

In fact they love it so much that Daddy, Mommy, Micah, Gabriella, and Jeremiah no longer reside at our house. Instead we have, Pa, Ma, Mary, Laura, and Carrie (I refuse to call Jeremiah Carrie - but the girls call him that). The girls respond better to their new names and are much more cooperative when I call them by their Little House on the Prairie names than when I use their real names. They also get upset when I forget to use our character names.

It has been much fun to pretend to be these characters. However, it is rather amusing to Clay and I as we laugh about the time period differences. For example, last night I told the girls that Ma was going to set her timer for five minutes while the girls picked up around camp. At one point I asked Mary "Micah" to pick up her phone. In which she responds, "Okay, but its my sister's cell phone."Though it may only be amusing to us - it is something we will always treasure. Clay and I are very thankful that we have gotten rid of the T.V.

Thought I would share some pictures of life on the "prairie" with Mary, Laura, and Carrie.
Mary, Laura, and Carrie in the Camp.

The girls went out to chase gophers in the prairie.

(Note that her hair is braided: She never likes her hair fixed but wanted it braided because Mary's hair is braided in Little House on the Prairie.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

3 Weeks

Jeremiah is doing great. He is eating and growing well. At his two week appointment he was already 10 lbs 1 oz. He will outgrow his 0-3 month clothing in no time at all. He is starting to smile more, loves to be carried by mommy, and enjoys swinging in the swing. Now if his tummy just would not hurt throughout the night - then daddy and mommy could sleep at night!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A good reminder

I read this somewhere awhile back. I have needed this reminder many times today.

"In parenting the days are long but the years are short."

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Growing Up

Jeremiah is changing fast. On Monday he weighed 8lbs and 15.5 oz. Today he lost his umbilical cord. He is starting to stay awake a little bit longer. We are enjoying him very much.

My little man
Micah adores him.
Gabriella adores him too. In her defense he had already started to fuss before she came to love on him. But she is rougher with him than Micah is, so we have to watch her very, very closely.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's a Boy!

The baby is finally here! Jeremiah Jacob was born on Tuesday at 8:43 . He weighed 8 lbs and 11 0z. We are all thrilled to have him here and home.

Friday, March 21, 2008

And It Stopped

After nearly 13 hours of contractions with the intensity increasing throughout the day - it all stopped. Clay and I got a good nights rest while my mom and dad stayed up all night with our girls (who were too excited to sleep).

This morning my showed signs of progression (if you are easily grossed out or male - jump to next paragraph). I started having bloody show about 5 this morning and have had it several times since.

We really hope that means labor will start within 24 hours. I hate having the girls away for so long. I am also really concerned about the burden it puts on my mom and dad to try and keep up with two very active little girls.

Clay and I spent this morning running errands that are hard to do with two little girls in tow. Clay got a haircut, I got a pedicure(though left quite disappointed because she refused to really massage my feet because she said that could cause the baby to slip right out - I don't think we would have been too upset.), and looking for Gabriella a birthday present (any ideas what to get her? we have so many toys . . . any great educational things out there or books that anyone knows of that a two year old might like? Then Clay came back to the house and worked from home, I took a nap, woke up, and then did some cleaning in the house.

But still no real contractions. I have small ones here and there - but nothing that looks promising. I also have a slight dull backache.

We will be going to pick up the kids about lunch time tomorrow if nothing starts up before then.

Prayers for my mom and dad would also be appreciated as they are not use to keeping up with my girls.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Progress Towards Baby

We went to the doctor yesterday. She said I was 50% effaced and 2 cm dilated. As we all know that could mean that I will go into labor today or it could be two more weeks. It was nice knowing that all the pain that I had up till due date was actually doing something (unlike with my other two where I was about 50% effaced but only like 1/2cm at my due date).

Today I have been having constant back pain and some contractions that are more intense than what I have previously been having. The baby is also much more active today than what it normally is at this time of the day. I started having the contractions about 11 this morning and have had them through being at library with girls, fixing lunch and feeding us, cleaning up from lunch, doing some clothes, getting them down for a nap, reading to them, and then me laying down for about an hour. But I still can not determine if it will actually result in me being in actual labor today.

Praise the Lord! Gabriella is doing much better. Her cough is much improved, there is a lot less snot, and her eyes are no longer nearly swollen shut. She has also started playing with her sister again instead of just fighting with her (or more like screaming every time Micah comes near her).


So it has been 12 hours of contractions that would last for several hours - stop - and then resume with a little bit more intensity. My mom just took the girls with her. Clay and I are going for a walk and then the plan is to try and get some sleep. It is beginning to seem more like this could be it - but only time will tell.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Update on Baby & Family Illnesses

Tomorrow is the baby's due date. I thought I was ready a week ago to have the baby. But Micah came down with a cough and runny nose (we thought that was allergies). On Saturday, Gabriella got extremely grumpy and whinny, started running a fever, quit eating, and drinking, and started screaming every time she said she had to go potty. They have run a urine test on Gabriella - which came back negative - meaning she does not currently have a UTI. She is eating a little and drinking better. She is also not screaming every time she tries to pee. But now she is coughing a horrible cough constantly and sneezing and has tons of snot. Her little eyes are red and swollen. She is miserable and making everyone else that way too. She breaks down in a fit with simple request such as "Gabriella, can you please come here." She bit her sister yesterday and keep whacking Micah over the head.

Anyhow, with all that said, I am not feeling so much like I am "ready" to have the baby. But I am having backaches, contractions, and all the different very pregnant pains. So from that perspective I am very ready to have baby.

We go in tomorrow morning to see our doctor. I have hardly been checked at all during this pregnancy - but she told me up front that she would have to check me once I reach my due date. So we are going along with that & tomorrow should know if my body has made any progress through all the contractions that I've already had.

So, for those of you who read this and would like to pray. Please pray that my little girls would be healthy (they are looking forward to meeting the baby). Pray that the rest of us will stay healthy and that the baby and I will stay safe through labor. Also pray for us to be content in the Lord's timing in this all (even if that means we have a baby two weeks late or if that means that we have a baby while the girls are still sick). I will try and give some sort of update tomorrow.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Stinch of Death Returns Just in Time For the Fragrance of Life . . .

Or at least that is what we expect. Two years ago about this time in March when I was very pregnant with Gabriella - we had a visitor. One whom we did not welcome. A visitor who got chased with a B-B gun on several occasions. Unfortunately, we did not get the victory. Not that the rat won - but on his way "out" he left us weeks of remembering him. When I came home from the hospital we could smell him. In the bathroom. Our only bathroom mind you. The bathroom in which Clay finally finished tiling the shower while I was in the hospital after having Gabriella. He died under our bathtub. My first shower in our home of 6 months was marked with comments of "What's that smell? We had to endure using the restroom and showering in there for weeks with the smell of a dead rat. Nothing that we tried would get rid of the smell. Only time. . .

Oh yeah, he left fleas too. . .

Well, here I am 10 days till due date - and guess who came to visit. It must be one of his relatives. Right now Clay is trying to get a rat trap in the wall behind our dishwasher. Our house has gotten a lot more secure than it was two years ago. We have sheet rock up in places that we did not before. We don't know of any holes that he can actually get into the rooms of our house. But he is in the walls. We just heard him again tonight trying to eat through the walls. We can here him climb the stack pipe in the bathroom wall and also run the length of our bathroom wall & up underneath the tub.

So as we prepare for the sweet smell of new life to enter into our home once more . . . we are also bracing ourselves for the very real possibility that we will also be enduring the smell of death for weeks to come.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Family Portrait

In our family history we've only had like 5 pictures where our entire family was in the picture and no one's head was cut off. So enjoy...