Tomorrow is the baby's due date. I thought I was ready a week ago to have the baby. But Micah came down with a cough and runny nose (we thought that was allergies). On Saturday, Gabriella got extremely grumpy and whinny, started running a fever, quit eating, and drinking, and started screaming
every time she said she had to go potty. They have run a urine test on Gabriella - which came back negative - meaning she does not currently have a
UTI. She is eating a little and drinking better. She is also not screaming
every time she tries to pee. But now she is coughing a horrible cough constantly and sneezing and has tons of snot. Her little eyes are red and swollen. She is miserable and making everyone else that way too. She breaks down in a fit with simple request such as "Gabriella, can you please come here." She bit her sister yesterday and keep
whacking Micah over the head.
Anyhow, with all that said, I am not feeling so much like I am "ready" to have the baby. But I am having backaches, contractions, and all the different very pregnant pains. So from that
perspective I am very ready to have baby.
We go in tomorrow morning to see our doctor. I have hardly been checked at all during this pregnancy - but she told me up front that she would have to check me once I reach my due date. So we are going along with that & tomorrow should know if my body has made any progress through all the contractions that I've already had.
So, for those of you who read this and would like to pray. Please pray that my little girls would be healthy (they are looking forward to meeting the baby). Pray that the rest of us will stay healthy and that the baby and I will stay safe through labor. Also pray for us to be content in the Lord's timing in this all (even if that means we have a baby two weeks late or if that means that we have a baby while the girls are still sick). I will try and give some sort of update tomorrow.