Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Sitting at lunch today, Micah asked me, ‘‘where is the church?’’ ‘‘Funny you should ask’’ I told her – ‘‘that’s what I’ve been thinking about all day. But mommy doesn’t know where the church is.’’ She points out to the street and says ‘‘there it is mommy.’’ So I tell her, ‘‘no baby, the church is not a building. The church is made of people who love Jesus. They come together, pray together, share all things, eat together, encourage one another, and love each other. That’s what the church is. It’s not a building – the church can meet anywhere.’’

So I was wondering have any of you found the church yet?

In my 18 years of being a Christian, I have yet to find “THE CHURCH." Sure, I have found buildings where there are programs and various ministries and even where people meet and eat together. But I have failed to find those who really function as the church in Acts 2. In my observation everyone is too busy playing church to be THE CHURCH. In fact, when I have walked into the churches that I have been in during that time – I have pretty much found a representation of the world. They dress like the world and are extremely cliquishly like the world. No one wants to truly share their lives. They don’t want to really share their burdens or struggles. They definitely do not want to confess their sins to others. They don’t want to be held accountable. Their dreams for themselves and kids are dreams of money, success, a good name, a good average life.

Where are the people who’s prayer for themselves and their kids looks something like this: ‘Oh, Lord, take all of me. Take all of my kids. Convict us. Changes us. Don’t let us look like the world. We beg You for Your presence. We pray for lives that are wholly abandoned unto You. God anything you want – it’s Yours. Our house, our clothes, our cars, our kids – anything just take it God. I pray that my kids will lay all of themselves at Your feet. I pray that they will follow you to the ends of the earth. Oh, God, take our lives and use them for Your glory.’

Oh, I cry out – where are the disciples of Jesus Christ? Where is Jesus’ church?


The Taras' said...

Thats a good post...and a great question. There are not a lot of "local bodies" who truly live the "one anothers". It is really sad that its the case today. But I have to say that I am so thankful for Lakeside. I can honestly say that we function as His body. I love the fact that no one ever hesitates to share his heart, his home, his money, or his time with anyone else. Its by God grace alone that we have been brought to a place like that- where we can openly pray together and for each other- and be transparent in all things- and function just as the church was meant to function from the beginnning.

I dont know many other churches like this. I pray that as we are growing in numbers that we would also grow spiritually and that there wouldnt be temptation to function any other way!

I really appreciate your heart on this and my heart goes out to you guys. I will pray that the Lord would fulfill these desires in your hearts- and that He would help you guys to establish some of these principles in your local body- or if its His will to help ou find a church that is faithful.

We love ya'll!

The Taras' said...

I dont mean that last comment at all in a prideful way. I just really love our church- and the people that are in it. I just feel like they are closer to me than family sometimes. I realize we are all sinful humans- and that we arent perfect. But I can honestly say by God's grace that we are part of a local body that truly loves Christ and His word...and therefore- we love each other as well. I just wanted to clarify!

Shala said...

Sarah, I did not take your comment as in a prideful way at all. I have heard of a few churches in the states who do function in that way. I have also read of many of the new mission churches around the world who function that way. Which I could post a whole essay on how the American church is not overall effective in having new believers join because for the most part the churches here look, smell, and taste like the world. But that's for another time. We just have not been able to find one of the few churches or body of believers who practice truly being THE CHURCH. I know the Lord has a purpose in this. My prayer is that we will find a church that is THE CHURCH before our kids grow up with the wrong idea about church - and are completely turned off to it.

Shala said...


Thanks for your prayers regarding this. They mean a lot to us.