Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gabriella is a Climber

She has been climbing for a while. But here are a few pictures to show you some of her climbing attempts.
She loves to climb on this bench and try and figure out how she can get out of the fence. I pray that it will be a long time until she figures it out.

Gabriella now loves to climb on top of her sisters bed, so she can play on the bed. She has successfully made it all the way on the bed once. In this picture she is screaming, "Stuck" which is what she now says anytime she is somewhere that she does not want to be.

But I must say - these are tame to some of her adventures. She climbs all the way up the slide. I have seen her try to climb the wall to look out the window. She now climbs onto the toilet. She climbs up all stools - regardless if her sister is on there or not.

I have to just pray for her safety and trust that God has her in His Hands because I am not always quick enough to catch her. Besides, if I did not just trust God with her - I think that all that worrying for her safety would have driven me to mental hospital by now.

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