We went to the fair to watch Payton show his goats. He did a great job handling his goats. As exciting as getting to watch their Uncle Payton - the girls really loved all the sights of the fair. Micah was very excited to get to pet a pig, a cow, and a goat. Gabriella was excited about petting a cow - but much more reserved with the rest of the animals. When we first got the the fair there was a clown with her little monkey. The girls really enjoyed seeing the monkey & we were able to take a few cute pictures of them with the monkey. When Gabriella first saw the monkey she started pointing repeatedly saying, "Baby! Baby!"

In this last picture the clown had given the monkey a peanut as an attempt to get her to look at me with the camera. As she was eating her peanut, she was dropping the shell - which Gabriella tried to pick up and eat!

Micah really wanted to pet a pig. PePaw helped her find a pig to pet.

Gabriella with Aunt Shan
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