Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Practice For A Newborn

Being only 15 weeks pregnant, I was really hoping that we would not have too much of a remembrance of those sleepy nights of newborn hood until we got much closer to the arrival of the baby. But these last few days we have gotten a little bit of a reminder - and I can tell you that I am not looking forward to the part of not getting much sleep. Gabriella has been stopped up with sinuses and has been struggling to sleep. Clay and I have been going to sleep too late at like midnight and Gabriella has been waking up having trouble breathing and crying hysterically for mommy at 1 or 2 for the past few nights. I have tried rocking her and singing to her, but she is not going to sleep. If we put down in the bed, she starts crying again. So because I am so tired I have been putting her back in bed with us. Where she plays for the next hour or two. As Clay said this morning, Gabriella is the poster child of why kids should not sleep in the bed with their parents. She starts talking, and talking, and talking (which honestly I can't blame her too much - I do the same thing if I get woken up in the middle of the night - just ask Clay) and wallering, and rolling, and kicking, and jumping, and giving sweet kisses, and on, and on. She tells me all the colors she sees - over and over again. She even said, 'grarrr - I a monster.' So, though she is quiet funny - it was quiet frustrating and tiring.

BUT .....

Praise God - I started that post a few days ago - and did not finish because I was too tired, and since then she has started sleeping through the night again and feels better. So, we are getting more sleep.

Now if Clay and I could only learn to go to bed at a reasonable time again. Maybe we can forget about all the waking up in the middle of the night(well except to go pee) for a few more months.


The Taras' said...

You guys should invest in some "little noses" decongestant drops. That is a lifesaver!

Shala said...

thanks Sarah . . . i have not heard about those. i will have to look into them.