Tuesday, January 15, 2008


"Chop-chop" (Lambchop)

"Nummy" (Yummy)

"Nuffin" (Muffin)

"That tasty!"

"Sound of Music! Sound of Music!" (She screams this repeatedly while waving a wand
in the air.)

"Oh No A Monster! Got to get out of here!" (Then she screams and runs).

"I beauutiful!" (She says this after putting lipgloss on, having her hair fixed, or
putting a dress on).

Gabriella to Clay: "Oh No A monster!"
Clay: "What are you going to do?"
Gabriella: "Cock a doodle do!"

She walks around pretending to read the Bible saying, "Bible "Praise the Lord!"

That is just a few of the things that she says daily. She a source of endless amusement. At least to me!

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