Friday, December 28, 2007

A Challenge To Younger Women from Revive Our Hearts

Was listening to Revive Our Hearts and was very challenged by this. Thought I'd share.

On Revive Our Hearts today Holly Elliff said:

Let me issue a challenge to those younger women, maybe moms, who think they don’t have time to start becoming an "Anna." Let me encourage you that you do. Look for, pursue those little moments, whether you’re sorting dirty socks or in the car waiting . . . .

So what you’re not going to have are those large blocks of quiet to pray, so don’t wait for those. But you will have tiny moments of quiet. Sometimes I have to go in my closet to get those, but you’ll have tiny moments of quiet. So take advantage of developing the heart to be an "Anna" as you get older.

But it doesn’t start when you’re 50. It starts when you’re 20-something, or whatever age you are in-between there and 81, like Miss Dorothy. It starts as you develop a heart after God and start applying those truths to your life even in little spaces, so that by the time you have more space, eventually . . . unless God gives you a bunch of kids, and then it’s long time before you get space!

But take the moments you can find. It’s not so much the amount of time; it’s the direction of your heart.

Listen to the whole "talk" here.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Pics

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Merry Christmas to all!

Sorry, we never got around to sending out Christmas cards and pictures this year.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Praise The Lord

I went to the O.B. today and she told me that I don't have to be on bed rest but that I can resume normal activities but not to do anything extra like working out, working in the yard, or prolonged shopping trips!

For those who don't know . . . we had a little bit of a scare. I started having contractions on Saturday when I was bringing my mom home from the hospital (of course she does not know they started then because I think it would cause her to be more stressed & cause her blood pressure to continue to rise). They slowed down when I napped that afternoon but started up as soon as I woke up from my nap. That night we started timing them while laying down and they were about 10 min apart - which was a lot slower than they had been. They went away after a few hours of laying down and then we went to sleep.

I woke up Sunday very sore but decided that we should still go to church. I took it very slow getting ready and sat most of the morning - while Clay got the girls ready. Then we went to church. I started having contractions again after walking across the parking lot and taking Micah to her class. I don't know how close together those were - but much closer than ten minutes - seems as if they were right on top of each other. We got home and Clay fixed lunch and took care of the girls while I laid down. When I was still having contractions about every ten min at around 3 we called the nurse hot line and she called the doctor on call. I was then told to report to Labor & Delivery. We spent several hours there in a labor room monitoring my contractions and the baby's heart beat. After getting some rest their they sent me home to rest for 2 days with only doing what was absolutely necessary and not being on my feet for more than 20 -30 min at a time.

So, today the doctor checked to make sure I have not dilated - which I have not. She then told me to resume normal activity and to let her know if the pain of contractions gets a lot worse or if I have any other signs of going into labor. She said the contractions were probably a result of all the stress we have had and that it is not abnormal for me to start having contractions this early with my third pregnancy. I just hope they don't continue like I've had them because my stomach and back has stayed pretty sore over the last few days. But I guess only time can tell. The baby's heart also sounds great and I am measuring right on the 25th week. So things are looking good!

Thank you to those of you have been praying for this situation - as well as for Gabriella and my mom.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Blessed With A Wonderful Husband

I have a wonderful husband. God has richly blessed me through him. Clay has always been wonderful with helping take care of the girls when he is not at work. He is always thinking about putting his family before other obligations and taking care of us first. But in these last few weeks he has been such a servant in a time in which I have really needed him - and he has done it without complaining.

First I must say that the first probably three months of this pregnancy he has been such a sweetheart to bring me breakfast in be as we have tried to conquer the nausea that this pregnancy brought. Which means that he would also get up with the girls and get them breakfast on most mornings.

Clay has been such servant to
- rush to the doctors office to help me with the girls when he found out that we were in the
middle of having Gabriella tested to see what was making her so sick.
- take off while Gabriella was in the hospital to help ease the burden that was put on me.
- take off from work when he found out that my mom was having surgery.
- clean the house & take care of girls while I was at the hospital during my mom's surgery.
- take care of the girls while I took my mom home from hospital.
- he then took care of the girls most of Sunday while I tried to get some rest.
- do laundry while i have been on "bed rest" these last two days.
- clean up any dishes that we have gotten dirty.
- get the girls their baths
- help get the girls in bed.

Now, it is not unusual for him to help me out around the house. But I know these last few weeks of having a sick kid, projects winding up at work, hospital stays, and a wife having contractions at 25 weeks and being put on short term 'bed rest' has been extremely hard on him. Yet he has been a trooper and I have not really heard him complain.

God has truly blessed me with wonderful, gracious, servant of a husband.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

In the Trenches of Motherhood

I am exhausted.

Today makes day 6 of Gabriella running a fever from 101 - 104 and her feeling yucky (with no answers from the doc except that its something viral).

The three days prior to her getting sick we were out of town due to Thanksgiving.

Micah was sick a few days before that with a slight fever and she was extremely whinny.

I am tired . . . .

Prayers are appreciated.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Leaving A Legacy

That is what it is about, right? Leaving a legacy for Christ. Not a legacy of money or fame or a good name - but one for Christ. That's why as parents we are so concerned about traditions, and teaching our kids to memorize scripture, teaching them Bible Studies, and discipling and disciplining them in the Lord. We want our children, and our grandchildren, and our grandchildren's children (all the generations that may follow after us leading up to the return of Christ (if He does not return in our life time)) to be grafted into the family of God through the blood of Christ.

Here is a link to a blog that has three videos of Dr. Voddie Bauchamn preaching about this concept. These are the best I have ever heard on the subject. I will say I love these sermons but I don't know anything about him more than what I've heard on these sermons.

They are well worth your time to listen to. I listened while preparing dinner and his sermon made me laugh at how ridiculous our society is and cry as the Lord used some of the things he said to convict me.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Memorizing Scripture

In my years since having children, I have been extremely disappointed in my ability to memorize scripture. But a few months back I saw a blog about Scripture Memorization with a really neat video on a guy quoting scripture as if he was actually the one delivering the orginal sermon recorded in scripture. Read and Watch This Video - It is incredible.

I put into practice with the girls memorizing passages instead of single verses. I have really seen a difference with Micah and I being able to learn scripture. For those of you with younger children, know that Gabriella loves listening to us do this. She always gets a huge smile on her face and watches us with big shiny eyes.

Micah is also learning a lot of scripture through CBS. If you have young children and have the time to get involved in CBS - I highly suggest it. It is one of the best preschool programs that I have seen on getting kids to memorize scripture.

In the last 3-4 months Micah and I have learned these scriptures through this method. I know it does not seem like a lot - but it is a lot better than I was doing.

Ephesians 6:1-4 (Gabriella has the word "honor" down when we say this verse).

Psalm 139:14 (I know it is only one verse - but we did this because Micah seemed to be struggling with wanting to always be Gabriella and she never wanted to be herself. So we learned this verse to reinforce how special she was.)

Psalm 95:1-5 (We are trying to see how much we can get memorized before Thanksgiving. Micah and I are also trying to learn the verse before Daddy does. I am not doing as well as I would like - but Micah can just start saying parts of it - and is doing way better than I am. )

Through CBS Micah has learned many verses in the last couple of years. They put memory verses to nursery rhyme tunes. I still have to sing the song to get the scripture and verse correct, but Micah does not have to sing it - she can just say it.

Since my children can remember nursery rhymes and little songs like that with out any effort -I see it as prime time to be getting these scriptures ingrained in them. I truly see how they are little sponges soaking up anything I give them. So I want to feed them as much TRUTH as I can.

For all you Joel Olsteen fans out there

I found this audio on and just loved it. It's a contrast between the preaching of Joel Olsteen and Paul Washer. It's only about 15 minutes, so enjoy...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Gabriella's Prayer

Gabriella has been saying lately, "Mommy I pray." Then she is listing things to pray for and wants me to say thank you and say whatever she said.

But tonight it went like this:

Thank you God - Jasmine, elephants, Tigger, Colby (I was having trouble understanding what she was saying. I thought she said Cody, so I would ask her if it was Cody and she would keep repeating it over and over. I figured out that it was Colby when Micah finally translated for me. When I repeated after her Colby, she then continued.) Kennedy.

She then decided to jump and asked to get out of the bed.

It is so precious watching them learn to pray.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Christmas Traditions

My friend, Jenna, has started a discussion on Christmas Traditions and Santa Claus. Most of the discussion so far has centered around to do or not to do Santa Claus. She asked us to share our traditions - but since my response about Santa was so long, and I wanted to ask some of you what traditions you have in your homes to keep Christmas Christ - centered - I decided to do my own post on it.

Traditions in our household include:

The lighting of the Advent Candle Wreath.

Unwrapping a "present" which is a book related to Christmas every night preceding Christmas. We read the story to the kids and will talk about the book as much as they want. Some of the books are the story of Christ birth, some are legends about Santa Claus, some tell the truth about Santa, and some are just about how different families celebrate Christmas.

We give each kid three gifts to represent the gifts the three wise men brought Jesus.

Reading of the Christmas story before opening any presents.

This year we are going to try something new. We have been working on memorizing passages of scripture as a family. I have been meaning to post on this subject for several months. But starting after Thanksgiving, we will start reading the Christmas story from the Bible every night at dinner. My hopes are that Clay, Micah, and I will memorize most of it by Christmas and that Gabriella will be familiar with it. I will have to share the key that I have found to getting Micah (and me) to memorize scripture with y'all soon.

I also started this last year: I either have everything cooked by Christmas Eve or we eat a pop in the oven pizza for lunch on Christmas Day. I know it sounds silly - and even makes me sound lazy. But if I don't do this - I will spend the whole day stressing on making a big production on a meal. I then miss out on sitting still and giving thanks for the wonder of the birth of Christ and reflecting on Him. Secondly, I miss out on creating special family time with the family. It is kinda like making time stop - by not having to deal with all the normal duties - and savoring the day of Christmas.

Traditions we wish to start this year or as the kids get older.

A night of Christmas Caroling with good friends and hot chocolate.

The telling of the Christmas story on the felt board. I really need to get busy making all those pieces because I want to start this year.

Making a soft bed for baby Jesus (I have been wanting to do this with my kids for over 10 years - when I first read about someone else doing this with their family.). You set up an empty manger somewhere in the house for baby Jesus. You tell the kids that baby Jesus will need a soft place to lay when He comes on Christmas Eve. Then you all draw names of those in your family. Everyone has to secretly do kind things for that person for a week - or how ever long you decide, before you draw different names. But for every kind deed done, the person who does the deed gets to put a single piece of straw in the manager. The hope is that by Christmas it will be filled with hay for the baby that you will lay in the manager on Christmas Eve night.

The reenactment of the Christmas story - complete with makeshift costumes and stuffed animals.

What are your family traditions?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Saving Money While Cooking

As we all know the prices of groceries seem to be going up, and up, and up. I am always trying to think of new ways to save money. I found this tip and thought I would share with you. I have begun using powdered milk for all baking and cooking needs. The website I found suggested using it for drinking. I could not get past the smell. I was also nearly out of milk one day before nap time so tried putting half powdered and half fresh milk together to give the girls. That did not go over well. But it is always something you could try if you would like to. On the site where I got the idea, the lady said her and her kids thought it tasted just fine.

So, though we could not stand drinking it, I have used it in cooking oatmeal, mac-n-cheese, breakfast casseroles, and breads - to name a few. I can not tell the difference and normally I can spot fake from a mile away. Potatoes for instance - I can not stand most powdered potatoes - and I can always tell that they are not the real thing. So, to make things more simple while cooking, I just keep a couple of cups of powdered milk mixed up in my fridge so that it is just as easy as reaching for the fresh stuff. Since powdered milk is half the price of the cheapest fresh milk - I think it is really worth the extra 1-2 min. it takes me to get the stuff out and mix it up. For those of you who just like to use organic - I even noticed that you can buy organic powdered milk.

Have any other ideas on how to save money while cooking? Please share with me because I am all ears.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pictures from October Happenings

Micah and Gabriella helping Daddy make an angel food cake.

Gabriella licking the spoon.
Daddy, Micah, and Gabriella with the largest pumpkin in Texas.

Mommy and Gabriella
Micah and Gabriella finding their way through a hay maze.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Refining Through Parenting

I have many stories to tell about the benefits of reading to our kids from God's Word and teaching them scripture. But since I have a short time, I will share what has been on my mind tonight. I can see how God is really using parenting to refine me. We have been memorizing scripture with Micah and having Gabriella listen to them as we do so. We also try and use biblical principles in discipling them. We know that it is very important for them to understand at an early age that when they disobey it is sin. So, as we have really been working on that - especially in the last year, I am beginning to see God using that to make her more aware of sin.

Here is just one example of how God is using my children to refine me. I am sitting at lunch with the girls waiting, and waiting for them to eat. We had a really good morning - but about 15 minutes before lunch time they started having trouble sharing with each other, and Micah started having trouble speaking to me with honor and obeying me. We had several discussions as each incident would arise about her being disobedient and how that was not honoring God because she was disobeying His Word. Through those incidents and then me sitting at the table with them trying to get them to eat, I am beginning to get irritated with them. Then the following conversation occurs.

Micah asks me, "Mommy are you happy?"
I ask her "Do you think Mommy is happy?"
"Why do you think Mommy is not happy?"
"Because Mommy's not happy."
"Well, Micah Mommy was having a lot of fun with you, but Mommy does not like having to tell you over and over to obey and Mommy does not like it when you disobey."
Micah says, "Mommy, you disobey too."
"Mommy does disobey God sometimes. Do you think Mommy is disobeying God now?"
"How is Mommy disobeying?"
"Mommy is disobeying God because she is screaming at Micah and Gabriella."

Ouch! That was convicting. In my flesh I was really wanting to scream because I was so frustrated with correcting them over and over and discipling them and correcting them....but I was not screaming. However, what Micah picked up on was that I was not speaking in tone of love - but I was speaking in a tone that conveyed my irritation. She called me out on my sin. That is humbling to have a nearly three year old point out sin to you. I asked her if Mommy needed to pray and ask Jesus for forgiveness for being mean to them and not showing them love and also ask Jesus to help me be more patient and loving. She said 'YES.' So, I started to pray and she even prayed "Father forgive Mommy for disobeying and screaming at Gabriella and Micah."

I see such a need in my life for someone to call me out on sin. And in someways, who better than those who are with me ALL the time? They see me at my best when I am letting the Spirit reign and they see me at the worst - when I am letting my flesh reign. She knows that Mommy will always love her even if she points out where Mommy is wrong. So, though some parents may see it as disrespectful for their child to call them out on their sin - I am thankful for her childlike faith and that she is beginning to see that sin is through wrong heart attitudes and not just disobeying a direct command.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Egg Recipes

We are taking Bradley classes this time with our pregnancy in order to prepare for a natural child birth. One of the things they tell you to do is to eat 2 eggs a day. I am not the biggest egg person and eating them the same way all the time gets really old. So, I found a site online that has recipes for Bed & Breakfast brunch type meals. The ones we have tried we like. I have also been choosing the ones that I can make the night before - and just pop in the oven in the mornings. It has made Clay and my mornings go much better. Hope you enjoy some of these recipes. If you have any great recipes with eggs - let us know!

Bed & Breakfast Inns Online - Recipes

Monday, October 22, 2007

Micah on the Baby

'Mommy am I going to have two babies like Ellie Bellie' (a family from our church just had twins.)

'No, Micah the doctor said that there is just one baby.'


'Well because God only put one baby in mommy.'

'That mommy and daddy took my baby brother and now you only have one baby sister in your tummy.'

Micah starts to cry.

So, I am sure you are wondering what she is talking about when she says that the mommy and daddy took her baby brother. Let me explain. About three months ago my dad broke his ankle and had to have surgery on his leg. When we walked up to the hospital to see him in the ER, Micah said 'Yeah lets go get a baby.' We explained to her that it was not time to go get a baby and that it was inside mommy growing. We told her that it would be a long time until the baby was ready to come out. We thought she understood. After we visited with my dad, she asked to go see the babies. We told her we could just go look and see if there were any new babies. When we got to the nursery window, there was a new little baby boy that was a Mexican, with a head full of black hair, being bathed by his father. He looked very sweet, so we stood there for awhile and talked to the girls about how the baby's daddy was giving it a bath. Then they put the baby down in a bed right in front of the window. Micah's first response, 'oh no - his bottom is hurt.' We then tried to explain to her that he was okay, that he was just a boy, and little boys have different parts. After a few more minutes, the baby's father comes around to the viewing side to take pictures of his son through the window. We tell him congratulations and have Micah tell him congratulations too. Then we leave. A few days after that Micah started talking about how she was going to have a little brother. We never thought much of it - until a couple weeks later she tells Clay and I that we need to go get her baby brother from the doctor's. We told her that the baby was still in my tummy. She kept persisting that we needed to go get her baby brother from the doctor, her baby that had black hair. Then we understood that she somehow thought we were picking out our new baby when we looked through the window. So we tried to explain to her that that was not her brother, that mommy still had her baby, and it would be awhile until we had it. We also told her that the little boy that we saw at the hospital had a mommy and daddy who loved it and he went home with them. Then she started crying, 'THEY TOOK MY BABY BROTHER.' So Clay and I hope that she will not always be traumatized by the idea that we gave away her brother.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Conversation with an 18 1/2 month old

"Gabriella, do you want to go to the store with Mommy?"

"YES! No WAY!(Which when said in a high shrill and with a big smile means that's exactly what she wants.) Goats and Cows."

"Do you think we are going to go buy goats and cows?"


"No, I'm sorry but we are not going to buy goats and cows."

"Why?"(At this point I am thinking, 'Aren't you too young to be asking me that question.')

"We don't have a place to put goats and cows. They can't live in our house or in our yard."


"Do you think Daddy is going to buy you goats and cows?"

"NO WAY!" (Said in a high shrill and with a big smile.)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mommy is Proud

At lunch today Gabriella was being a toot and refusing to eat by herself. After throwing a bit of a fit, she said 'yucky poo-poo. I potty.' I checked her diaper and it was wet - but not dirty. I debated taking her to the potty because I thought she was trying to get out of eating. But at the same time, I really want to encourage any interest she has in using the potty because I want her to get potty trained soon so that when baby comes I will only have one in diapers, and the sooner she gets going potty down - the less likely she will have a backslide as she gets adjusted to baby. So, I went ahead and took her. Of course, as soon as I set her on the potty the phone rang. Micah ran and grabbed a book for Gabriella. Gabriella sat on the potty looking at it - and she peed! This was like the 3rd time she has managed to pee on the potty. She kept sitting there while she was looking at her book, and then she pooped! This is the second time for her to poop on the potty - but the first time for her to do both during one sitting - and with her asking to get on the potty. So, of course we were going to do the poo-poo dance after she finished. Micah had to jump on the potty and go pee - so that we could also celebrate her accomplishments. We did our potty song and dance in the hall. Then it was time to battle out eating at the table. But even though a battle followed - I am so excited that she is taking more and more of an interest in going potty. I hope that she will learn quickly and be done with it. They just woke up for nap, so I need to go get them both up and I guess put panties on both of them.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

Slipping Modesty in Our Culture.

I found a great article on the lack of modesty in our culture and the grim reality that men - and especially young boys are facing.

I know dealing with this issue of the lack of modesty and the temptations that boys/men face is one of our biggest concerns regarding raising a son if the Lord so chooses to give us one.

The following quotes were found on Guarding the Landmarks Blog

Whether girls who dress immodestly realize it or not, they are provoking men—young and old—to ungodly thoughts and committing with these men adultery of the heart.

A man today can see more flesh just taking a walk on a sunny afternoon than his grandfather could see in a Playboy magazine fifty years ago: The porn of yesterday has become the norm today.
- read more

Monday, October 1, 2007

My Mommy Loves Me

Clay and I were at a class tonight. When we got home our baby sitter shared that they were sitting at the table having a snack when Micah said, 'My mommy loves me because she feeds me and tucks me in at night.'

I thought it was very sweet that she said that. I am also so thankful that she knows she is a loved child. I pray that she will be able to take that sense of love and security and begin to understand how great God loves her.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Practice For A Newborn

Being only 15 weeks pregnant, I was really hoping that we would not have too much of a remembrance of those sleepy nights of newborn hood until we got much closer to the arrival of the baby. But these last few days we have gotten a little bit of a reminder - and I can tell you that I am not looking forward to the part of not getting much sleep. Gabriella has been stopped up with sinuses and has been struggling to sleep. Clay and I have been going to sleep too late at like midnight and Gabriella has been waking up having trouble breathing and crying hysterically for mommy at 1 or 2 for the past few nights. I have tried rocking her and singing to her, but she is not going to sleep. If we put down in the bed, she starts crying again. So because I am so tired I have been putting her back in bed with us. Where she plays for the next hour or two. As Clay said this morning, Gabriella is the poster child of why kids should not sleep in the bed with their parents. She starts talking, and talking, and talking (which honestly I can't blame her too much - I do the same thing if I get woken up in the middle of the night - just ask Clay) and wallering, and rolling, and kicking, and jumping, and giving sweet kisses, and on, and on. She tells me all the colors she sees - over and over again. She even said, 'grarrr - I a monster.' So, though she is quiet funny - it was quiet frustrating and tiring.

BUT .....

Praise God - I started that post a few days ago - and did not finish because I was too tired, and since then she has started sleeping through the night again and feels better. So, we are getting more sleep.

Now if Clay and I could only learn to go to bed at a reasonable time again. Maybe we can forget about all the waking up in the middle of the night(well except to go pee) for a few more months.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Baby Got Book!

This is just too hilarious.

Baby Got Back


Update on Baby

We went to the doctor on Thursday for an ob check up. We took the girls with us and they were able to hear the baby's heart beat. The heartbeat sounded good and everything is going well. When we got home, Micah told me that she liked my baby. As I was telling Clay about her saying that she said, 'I like your baby's heart sound.'

Saturday, September 15, 2007


This was an awesome article. I encourage you to read it.


Friday, September 14, 2007


Let's start praying and seeking the Lord for true revival to come to the church.

I encourage you to listen to the study of revival that is on REVIVE OUR HEARTS. God has been using this series in my life to bring conviction, encouragement, and strong longing to sit with the Lord.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Waiting at the Door

Our precious girls waiting at the door to leave for CBS

Monday, September 10, 2007

pirates of the grocery store

we were walking through appletree the other day when we walked by a man in his 60's wearing an eye patch and a fat unlit cigar hanging out of his mouth. it looked exactly like the eye patches that come with pirate Halloween costumes. micah was sitting in the basket and i was pushing her along. a few feet after passing him micah goes "is somebody tryin' to be a pirate?" trying very hard to contain my laughter i kept walking hoping that the man hadn't heard the comment. i then proceeded to explain to micah that the man's eye didn't work and he wore the eye patch to cover his bad eye. we spent a few minutes in that aisle and by the time we got to the end the man had made his way back around and crossed our path again. micah looks at him, points, and says "look, there's another one." before i could do anything the man retorts with a hearty "ARRGGGHHHH!" no longer able to contain myself i bust out laughing, red faced. it was quite clear at this point that he had heard her the first time and he seemed to enjoy playing along. as he strolled away i then told micah about how it was not nice to point and say such things. thankfully we did not end up next to him in the checkout line.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Sitting at lunch today, Micah asked me, ‘‘where is the church?’’ ‘‘Funny you should ask’’ I told her – ‘‘that’s what I’ve been thinking about all day. But mommy doesn’t know where the church is.’’ She points out to the street and says ‘‘there it is mommy.’’ So I tell her, ‘‘no baby, the church is not a building. The church is made of people who love Jesus. They come together, pray together, share all things, eat together, encourage one another, and love each other. That’s what the church is. It’s not a building – the church can meet anywhere.’’

So I was wondering have any of you found the church yet?

In my 18 years of being a Christian, I have yet to find “THE CHURCH." Sure, I have found buildings where there are programs and various ministries and even where people meet and eat together. But I have failed to find those who really function as the church in Acts 2. In my observation everyone is too busy playing church to be THE CHURCH. In fact, when I have walked into the churches that I have been in during that time – I have pretty much found a representation of the world. They dress like the world and are extremely cliquishly like the world. No one wants to truly share their lives. They don’t want to really share their burdens or struggles. They definitely do not want to confess their sins to others. They don’t want to be held accountable. Their dreams for themselves and kids are dreams of money, success, a good name, a good average life.

Where are the people who’s prayer for themselves and their kids looks something like this: ‘Oh, Lord, take all of me. Take all of my kids. Convict us. Changes us. Don’t let us look like the world. We beg You for Your presence. We pray for lives that are wholly abandoned unto You. God anything you want – it’s Yours. Our house, our clothes, our cars, our kids – anything just take it God. I pray that my kids will lay all of themselves at Your feet. I pray that they will follow you to the ends of the earth. Oh, God, take our lives and use them for Your glory.’

Oh, I cry out – where are the disciples of Jesus Christ? Where is Jesus’ church?

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Answer

The answer to our game that no one cared to play is that it is the ages of our family now and will be the ages of our family in March.

YEAH! We are going to be blessed with another baby. We are very excited. I am now 11 weeks along. I was 10 weeks when we posted the game.

Micah keeps telling us that she wants to bring 2 babies home from the hospital. Unfortunately, the doctor said there was just one.

This information is for blog readers only. Please do not pass this information along to others who choose not to read our blog. We have another way planned to announce to them. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Let's Play A Game

We want to play a game with you. Post your guesses as comments.

What do these numbers mean?

26 26 2 1 10

27 26 3 2 0

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Plea to the Ladies

I am going to share with you something that the Lord has really been convicting me about. I in no way intend to offend anyone, but pray that the Holy Spirit will convict you, as He has me, if you need to be convicted in this area.
Modesty . . . what all does that entail? God has really shown me tremendous amounts regarding this area in my life. There have been several resources that He has used to bring conviction upon me. I highly encourage you to check these resources out. In Created To Be His Help Meet, Debi Pearl has a chapter about being chaste. She is extremely blunt about this subject in talking about what a man really sees when he looks at women & how a godly man really wants his wife to be. I think this is a must read - I wish I had this book when I was a preteen/teenager. Then I listened to Nancy Leigh DeMoss and her study on modesty. It was a great series that talked about modesty in clothing (something I have heard a lot more about growing up) & modesty in behavior. There was even one section that was a plea to the fathers on how to train their daughters on what to where and not to wear. There was also a plea to the wives to go to the husbands & say, "Dear, you know what draws a man's eyes. Help me to go through my wardrobe & glean out anything that I may wear that will cause a man's eye to linger on my body in any area that may cause him to sin."

So, here is a little of where I am coming from with great honesty. I have always tried to be modest in that I have tried not to wear clothing that is too short or too low. But as I started listening and reading about this topic that I have become more aware that I have allowed some of the fads & some of my desires of wanting to look attractive to pull me over to the side where at times I am not dressed modestly. And that is sin.

So, in Debi Pearls book she has a few letters that she & her husband have actually received from men - that if you were to read would break your heart. In one letter a guy talks about how he had to quit hanging around one of his close friends because the way his friends' wife dresses keeps him aroused the whole time he is around the couple. The husband is embarrassed
by his wife & feels dishonored by her. He says he is looking for a women who he can call to be his own little hidden treasure. So the question to you(if you are married) & me is, "Are we being our husbands own little hidden treasure - that no one else can get glimpses of?" And if you are not married, ask yourself "Am I hidding myself away so that I will be a hidden treasure for my husband one day?"

She quotes Matt 5:28 " Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Then she writes: "It is impossible for a woman to understand a man's visual drive. . . A woman's body, moving within visual range of a man, unless it is modestly covered in a way that says to the man that you have no interest in him taking pleasure in your appearance, can be stimulating to him as disrobing completely. He may be a better man than the woman....and may have the fortitude to deny his eyes . . .but it makes you a source of temptation to sin, rather than someone to whom he can relate. . . .Jesus said that a lusting man commits adultery WITH a woman, not against her, meaning that the woman is included in the lusting adultery. Women have told me that they are "not convicted" about the way they dress, as if God has to chase them down and torment them about it before they will obey his Word."

Ouch . . . God really used her words to bring conviction on me. I had always heard it was the man's sin for lusting. He was committing adultery - but not really the case. If I wear something that is too tight, short, low, etc... that causes a man to lust - I am just as guilty as he.

That made me go to Clay and say, "I know you like me to wear certain shirts that I have - but they really need to stay at home. I need you to look at what I am wearing & tell me from a man's perspective if there is anything about the clothes I am wearing to cause a man's eye to be drawn towards me."

I encourage you ladies to do the same with your husbands. Let's start really trying to protect the men.

Also, if you see me wearing something that is questionable be sister in the Lord and tell me what your concern is with what I am wearing.

I really felt prompted to share this with you because of an article I just read. I encourage you and your husbands to read it. Modest Daughters

Monday, August 20, 2007

Homemade Laundry Soap & The Wonders of Super Washing Soda

I stumbled upon this recipe a few months back when I was looking for different ways to save money. I found it on the CMOMB website. It has worked fabulous and was little work. I am still using the batch I made in early June & will probably need to make some more in mid-September. I think that it probably cost me about $3 total for this batch. I will be looking at more recipes that do not have chemicals such as the laureth sulfate in it. I still need to do more research there. I am all about having less chemicals in the house and in the products that we use. But the catch is that it has to be cheaper or the same price than what I am already doing - for obvious reasons for those who know how important it is to stay within a budget.

Liquid Homemade Laundry Soap (by Ruth)
1 bar Felz Napta
1 bar Ivory
1 bar Castille
1/3 bar Lirio (Mexican bar)
1 C borax
1 C washing soda
lots of drops of essential oil of your choice
6 gallon vinegar jugs or milk jugs (emptied)

Grate all bars. Melt over medium heat in about 1-2 Quarts of water. Dissolve Borax and soda in 5 gallons of water, add liquefied bars, pour hot into 1 gallon vinegar jugs (milk jugs work too) leaving about 5" at the top for shaking as they gel hard.

According to Ruth, she does about 15 loads per week and it lasts her about 4 weeks. Mine has lasted longer because I actually forgot where I was in my measuring and ended up adding double the water. But nonetheless, my clothes have still come out just as clean & bright as when I was using TIDE.

Now the question is where can you find these soaps?

I had to order the Felz Napta (though I later found it at Kroger) and the Castille from Soaps Gone Buy for $1.25 each.

You can find the bar of Ivory with your bath soaps. I found the Lirio at HEB & I am pretty sure that I saw it at Kroger.

Borax and Washing Soda Can both be found in the laundry section of most grocery stores (I was amazed to find out that Wal-Mart did not have it atleast we nor any of the workers could find it). The Washing Soda is normally next to the borax in a yellow box.

For the initial time it cost me more than the $3 dollars but once you have several bars of Ivory and the borax, lirio, and washing soda you will not have to spend as much the next time.

Now on to the washing soda. When I discovered how wonderful this stuff was - I had to wonder why no one had told me about how wonderful this stuff was. I mix a little bit in my mop bucket with water, and vinegar to mop the kitchen. It removes dirt far greater than any of the other mopping or general purpose cleaners than I have found. It is great for cleaning your bathtub. For example - I had not gotten around to my bathtub in a couple of weeks (yeah - letting
you in on that I haven't been the best housekeeper the last few weeks) and there was a lot of dirt grime stuff. I sprayed the tub down with water & then sprinkled the tub with the washing soda, and then I sprayed vinegar over the soda. I let it sit for 30 minutes or so while I cleaned up after breakfast. When I came back, I pretty much just had to wipe it away, there were a few places I had to put a little muscle behind it, but not nearly as much as I have to do with most other cleaners - even when I let them sit! Oh, and the great thing is that I spent no more than 3 dollars on a box this stuff back in June & have been able to use it for laundry and cleaning various things.

Borax also has many uses - one being that sometimes Micah will leak through on her mattress. I spritz the mattress with water, sprinkle borax, let it dry, and then vacuum it up & the odor is gone!

I have been meaning to share some of these great & cheap finds with all my friends for a while. Please feel free to share any of your money saving, less chemical ideas with me. Hope you enjoyed hearing about some of the things I wish someone would have shared with me years ago.

Newest Addition

Meet Lambchop! He's a male Bichon Frise about 12 weeks. He will get between 7 & 10 pounds. He does not shed! The girls love to play with him. It is very important to Gabriella when we are praying that we pray for "puppy" and Micah chimes in with "our puppy Lambchop." It is very cute! They love him very much. We've enjoyed hearing Micah talk about him. When we first got him, Micah would sit next to him and say, "He's cute! Momma my Lambchop is so cute." She also says of him, "My puppy is beautiful." and "He's so handsome." We are so thankful that we are able to let them have a puppy to take care of and to love.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sorry So Long

We've been without a computer for a few weeks. I hope to get some pictures of some of our more recent adventures up soon. If you've emailed me - and I have not gotten back to you yet - sorry. I am working on getting to respond to everyone.
God bless!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Breakfast Prayer

This morning we were running late for church- as usual. So, for breakfast I just gave the girls some dry cereal to eat and water to drink - hoping that they would atleast get something in their stomachs before church. I then left and proceeded to get dressed. Micah came running in to the bathroom and said, "Mommy, I pray with Gabriella." I said, "Good, I am glad you prayed with Gabriella." I was thinking that she had already prayed with her. But I am so thankful that she warned me that she was going to pray with her sister because it was the first time that she has actually done the praying & not just told Clay or I what to pray for. When she left the room I turned my ears on so that I could hear what interaction was taking place in the dining room. This is what I heard Micah say.

"Father, thank you eye, other eye,cheek, other cheek, mouth."

As she said that she pointed to Gabriella's body parts.

Now I must confess that there was more to her prayer . . . but I could not hear all of it & some parts I have forgotten. But nonetheless, I am so thankful to our Father that Clay and I were able to witness her first outloud prayer & even more than that - I am thankful that she knows to give God thanks for what He gives us.

As one of our friends said on their blog - please pray with your children. They are learning from you how to talk to their heavenly Father.

Prosperity Gospel

Check this out!

"America' Ugly Exported Gospel"

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Micah's Bible Lesson To Gabriella

This morning when Gabriella joined Micah and I in the bed as I was finishing up my Bible time - I decided it was time to put my Bible up - in fear that with the girls wrestling in the bed it would get torn up. Micah had been looking at and "reading" my Bible. So, when I told her that it was time to put Mommies Bible up - she said, "I want my Bible." She got off my bed, ran into her room, ran back into my room with her little pink Bible, and then climbed back in the bed. Micah then says to Gabriella who is crawling around on the bed, "Gabriella, I read Bible to you." Gabriella sits still across from Micah and looks at Micah reading the Bible. Micah flips through the pages of the Bible - finds a page she wants to "read" from and then "reads" the following to Gabriella:
"Paul said ... died on cross."

She then closed the Bible and they started stacking pillows with each other.

Lord Jesus, I pray that my little girls will always love to read Your Word. I pray that they would hide Your Word in their heart, and even at such a young age that they would know that we are to live accordiing to the Bible, which would bring them to an understanding of their sin & therefore their need for You as a forgiving Saviour. Lord, we cry out that our girls would find Salvation in You.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Biblical Womanhood

It seems as if the Lord is really trying to teach me more about this in my life. I encourage all of you ladies to listen to a study by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I have truly been challenged by her series on being a biblical woman. Enjoy and let me know what you think & how the Lord is challenging you!
Biblical Womanhood Series

Friday, June 8, 2007

Our plans vs. God plans

Although God has greater plans for us than we do, His plans often look smaller than ours. We want to win the world; He wants to conform us to the image of His son." ~ Paul Washer

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Americans & Unbelief

. . . I have come to see that many evagelical Christians do not really believe the Word of God, especially when it talks about hell and judgment. Instead, they selectively accept only the portions that allow them to continue living in their current lifestyles . . .If we knew the horrors of the potential judgment that hangs over us - if we really believed in what is coming - how differently we would live. Why are Christians living in disobedience to God? Because of their unbelief." ~K.P Yohannan in "Revolution in World Missions"

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A Trip to The Fair

We went to the fair to watch Payton show his goats. He did a great job handling his goats. As exciting as getting to watch their Uncle Payton - the girls really loved all the sights of the fair. Micah was very excited to get to pet a pig, a cow, and a goat. Gabriella was excited about petting a cow - but much more reserved with the rest of the animals. When we first got the the fair there was a clown with her little monkey. The girls really enjoyed seeing the monkey & we were able to take a few cute pictures of them with the monkey. When Gabriella first saw the monkey she started pointing repeatedly saying, "Baby! Baby!"

In this last picture the clown had given the monkey a peanut as an attempt to get her to look at me with the camera. As she was eating her peanut, she was dropping the shell - which Gabriella tried to pick up and eat!

Micah really wanted to pet a pig. PePaw helped her find a pig to pet.

Gabriella with Aunt Shan

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just a Great Quote

The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing; but in our culture, we apply for a curse and reject blessings. Something is wrong with this picture."
~ Doug Phillips

The Great Tragedy of Our Day

The great tragedy of our day is that the Church has been swept up in the birth control ethic, with its selfish quest for convenience, comfort, and the self-deceiving vision of the individual’s control over his own destiny. The fact is that we have lost our love for children and our vision to be fruitful, multiply, and have dominion over the earth. The results have been devastating.

In fact, many Christians are unaware that they are not only engaging in an unbiblical practice of preventing “blessings,” but that some of the very practices they embrace have abortifacient consequences. How sad to think that someday we will get to Heaven and learn of the untold millions of children that were inadvertently aborted by their Christian parents — all because of lack of faith and ignorance. “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” I have a simple thesis: Hollywood is not the primary problem in the battle for our families. Neither do Wall Street, nor Madison Avenue, have any more power over our households than that which we grant to them. The problem is not the media. The problem is not Planned Parenthood. The problem is not the “liberal elite.” The problem is us.

We are the problem. And judgment must begin with us. As long as we continue to abort our babies, or cut off our seed, or abandon our children to the world, we can never expect blessing and joy within our households, let alone our culture. As long as we view children as a burden, we will not experience the victory of multi-generational faithfulness. Judgment begins first in the House of God. That means us. We must actively seek to bring forth legions of children for the glory of God. We must be willing to bless future mothers with the very words given to Rebekah: “May you be the mother of thousands of millions, and may your seed possess the gate.”
- Douglas W. Phillips

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Health & Wealth

Health and wealth gospel dishonors Christ, since any gospel that is more true in America than China is not the true gospel." - Randy Alcorn in The Treasure Principle

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sisterly Love

Micah's Imagination

Micah has definitely developed an imagination. We have all kinds of adventures in our home. Sometimes we chase tigers until we catch their tails. We see pink monsters. Stars in the grass at night. We pretend that we are other family members at the dinner table. Clay and I have been so amazed at her imagination. We try to encourage it by imagining with her, but we have found it to be so much harder than it was when we were children.

Today I managed to capture a couple of her "imagining moments."

First Micah put this blanket over my head and said, "Mommy is Mary." She then took the blanket and put it on her head and said, "I am Mary."

Micah loves playing in the sand. After a few minutes of being in the sand, she walked over to me and said, "Mommy, I drank milk!"

Gabriella is a Climber

She has been climbing for a while. But here are a few pictures to show you some of her climbing attempts.
She loves to climb on this bench and try and figure out how she can get out of the fence. I pray that it will be a long time until she figures it out.

Gabriella now loves to climb on top of her sisters bed, so she can play on the bed. She has successfully made it all the way on the bed once. In this picture she is screaming, "Stuck" which is what she now says anytime she is somewhere that she does not want to be.

But I must say - these are tame to some of her adventures. She climbs all the way up the slide. I have seen her try to climb the wall to look out the window. She now climbs onto the toilet. She climbs up all stools - regardless if her sister is on there or not.

I have to just pray for her safety and trust that God has her in His Hands because I am not always quick enough to catch her. Besides, if I did not just trust God with her - I think that all that worrying for her safety would have driven me to mental hospital by now.

Monday, May 21, 2007

"My Shirt Got Wet Last Week"

Today, Micah went out to play in her sandbox. I went outside to make sure that there was nothing in the yard that was going to harm her, and then came back in to do some dusting. After a few minutes, I looked up to see a completely nude little girl slowly making her way to the back door. I asked her what she was doing, and she told me her clothes got wet. So, I went to the sandbox to pick up her clothes and put them back on her because I knew she was going to continue to get her clothes wet while she played in the wet sandbox. When I picked up the shirt, I decided it was too wet - she apparently found a toy that had some water in it and spilled it all over her. So, I started to head inside to get her some dry clothes and she tells me, "My Shirt got wet last week."

Now, I must clue you in on that is how she expresses past tense. Previously, when she would say, "last week" it at least was something that happened several hours previously - not just two minutes before. But then later today, her past tense lingo changed once again. After Micah and Gabriella had their nap today, Micah told me "Gabriella poo pooed last year." What she was really telling me was that Gabriella had poo pooed after lunch. There had just been about four hours from the time Gabriella had a BM till Micah wanted to reflect upon it - so in her little world four hours is equivalent to last year and two minutes ago is equal to last week.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Great Sermon

This was the best sermon that Clay and I have heard in a long time. Listen to it if you get a chance. The sermon is by Paul Washer.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Concentric Circles of Witnessing?

You've probably heard of the concentric circles theory when it comes to witnessing to people. The theory comes from Acts 1:8 which says "...but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth."

‘Jerusalem’ represents home, family and close friends, where you live and where you are well-known. ‘Judea’ represents your kind of people, people of your faith, culture, language and basic outlook on life. ‘Samaria’ represents cultural, racial and religious diversity. The ‘ends of the earth’ represents global or cross-cultural mission, going to areas that are geographically isolated, with different languages, cultures and religions to your own.

As I was reading this verse I really felt God telling me that there was something else to this verse; that Jesus wasn't telling the apostles His concentric circles theory for witnessing to the lost.

Who was in Jerusalem when Jesus told His disciples this?
Jesus and His disciples, as well as thousands of other devout Jews, were in Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover. They came to worship God for delivering their fathers from Egypt.

What are the regions of Judea and Samaria?
Judea is the inheritance that was given to the descendants of Judah and Benjamin. Samaria is the inheritance given to the other 10 tribes of Israel. Samaria is also a large city built by King Omri of Israel. Multiple kings of Israel made the city of Samaria their home, effectively making it the capitol of Israel. Now you must remember that Judah and Israel are two separate "countries" at this point. They split after the reign of Solomon. Because Solomon worshiped other gods (1Kings 11:31-40) God created two countries, Judah to preserve the line of David on the throne and Israel, the rest.

The remotest part of the earth?
The remotest part of the earth represents everyone who is not of the physical descendants of Abraham, i.e. gentiles, barbarians, etc.

So what?
Reread Acts 1:8 with this historical context in mind.

"...but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." - Acts 1:8 NASB

Did you notice that Judea and Samaria are not separated by a comma, but are treated as one. Go to Jerusalem then Judea and Samaria and after that go to even the remotest parts of the earth. Now read the following scripture:

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." - Romans 1:16

Jesus did not lay out a plan for concentric circle witnessing, but a plan to witness to the Jews first, then to the Gentiles. This was very evident in Paul's ministry as he went from town to town, first going to the synagogue then preaching to the rest of the town. God has such a heart for the Jews because they are His chosen people.

So what's wrong with the concentric circle theory?
Too many times Christians have abused this verse and used it to not get out of their comfort zone. "I don't need to witness to people across the world because there's people in my neighborhood who aren't Christians." "I witness to people at my work by trying to do a good job, I'm not comfortable with going to the ghetto and actually telling people about Christ."

The following is an excerpt from a newsletter I received from the mission group Gospel for Asia.

"Hardwar is a holy city on the Ganges River, not far from the more famous city of Varanasi( or Benares). Hundreds of thousands of Hindus travel there every year from all over the world to bathe in the river's "holy" waters. Police estimate that 35 million people come to Hardwar's "Kumbh Mela" festival, which takes place for two weeks every 12 years. These millions believe that taking a ritual bath in the Ganges will wash away all their sins.

"One day while Brother Varghese, a native missionary, was walking through the packed throngs of people at the water's edge, he saw a young woman crying uncontrollably. She was beating her chest with her fists as she wailed in grief.

"With compassion, the native missionary knelt down and asked what was wrong.

"'The problems in my home are too many and my sins are heavy on my heart, so I offered the best I have to the goddess Ganges, my firstborn son,' she said.

"At that, Brother Varghese began telling her about Jesus, about how He loved her and her baby, and that through Him her sins could be forgiven.

"'I have never heard that before,' she replied through her tears. 'Why couldn't you have come 30 minutes earlier? If you had, my child would not have died.'"

This story breaks my heart. There are MILLIONS of people on the other side of the world DYING AND GOING TO HELL! EVERYONE in America has heard the name of Jesus. I'm not saying that we should not witness here in the U.S.

"In 2003, conservative and evangelical denominations gave 2.6 percent [of their income] (about three cents per dollar), with the liberals giving only 0.9 percent [of their income] (one cent). The combined average for overseas work is about two pennies per dollar...Where is the money going?...the numbers demonstrate an increased emphasis on internal operations over the broader mission of the church." -

If you can't or are not willing to go yourself then consider giving money to mission organizations such as Heart of God Ministries ( or Gospel for Asia ( If you can't afford to give any more money than you already are then get involved in your church and convince your local body to give more money to foreign missions. If you are not able to do that then please PRAY for the lost. They are dying, dying, dying.


Micah's Memory Verse

We have been working on helping Micah to memorize scripture. There are several parts of scriptures with the reference that she has learned through the songs that she learned at CBS. But for the last few months we have been working on teaching her Ephesians 6:1. She is very affectionate about it being her memory verse. I was very excited tonight when I asked her to tell me her memory verse and she immediately said, "Children, obey your parents..." she needed to repeat the rest after me - but it is exciting to see that she is starting to memorize scripture.

Saturday, May 5, 2007


We are going to put up a few pictures from the past few months of the girls. Sorry we've been so bad about sending them out before. But now maybe everyone who wants to see will get a chance to look.

Micah Turns Two

Daddy and Gabriella

Micah, Gabriella, and Mommie playing the piano



God has really been teaching me a lot lately. There will probably be many small posts explaining the many lessons that He has been teaching me. A lot of this started a few months ago when we were looking at Paul and his humility as we studied Acts during CBS (Community Bible Study). In Acts 20:19 Paul is saying farewell to the elders of the church in Ephesus. He is talking about how he served in Asia, and he says, "serving the Lord with all humility and with tears and with trials which came upon me through the plots of the Jews." One of our questions in the Bible Study was to explain what Paul meant when he stated that he served the Lord with "great humility." So, I decided to look up the word humility. Humility = the quality or state of being humble. Humble = to destroy the power, independence, or prestige of self.

When I read the definition of that, it really hit me how I was so far from being humble. In fact, I realized that I was very selfish. I realized that I had been complaining, having self pity parties, and in my soul longing for "freedom." Freedom to go to the store and get everything on my shopping list before it was time for someone's nap or bed time. Freedom to go to the bathroom without someone either in the bathroom with me or pounding on the door screaming, "MaMa or Mommie." I wanted to have freedom to go to the store and buy something with out having to worry about whether it was in the budget or whether it was a wise purchase." I even wanted freedom to be involved in more church ministry - but felt negatively towards my kids because they prevented me from doing more ministry. My list could go on and on and on. But what I began to realize is that I was being extremely selfish. I kept saying that I should have the right to have time by myself and even a right to spend money on something that I just wanted to. The Lord started showing me what I was missing was the freedom I had during college, when I had more independence - before a husband and before kids. So, I needed to allow God to destroy the independence of self (or in my case the longing for that). God reconfirmed to me that my husband and children are a blessing from Him. They have been put in my life to help mold me into a more humble person - to help aide in the process of me becoming more like Christ.

Pray for me as I allow God to move me more and more towards humility.

Friday, May 4, 2007


I've been reading through 2 Chronicles and the Lord has really been teaching me about obedience. Chapter after chapter, Kings and Chronicles give accounts of kings who seek after the Lord and are blessed by Him, while kings who forsake Him are destroyed.

2 Chronicles 16:9a really stuck out to me which says "For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His."

I whole heartedly know that by seeking the Lord I will not necessarily be blessed financially or with good health. This is VERY evident in the lives of such great men of faith as any of the apostles, Stephen, Charles Spurgeon, Hudson Taylor, thousands of missionaries who have gone to foreign countries giving their lives to God and surviving only by God's grace, and on and on. But I do know as Phillipians 4:6-7 says "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." And James 4:7-8 "Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts you double-minded."

This has been very evident in my own life. As I have sought the Lord He has allowed me to find Him, but when I stop He withdraws. I've been struggling for sometime trying to juggle a wife, kids, a job, church, and seeking the Lord. Shala and I have really been trying of late to rise early and seek the Lord and I can already feel Him drawing near to me and teaching me. It has been an incredible blessing and I ask for your prayers to have the strength and determination to persevere in this area.


Our princess

Micah loves princesses. She has two sets of princess pjs & a princess umbrella. If it is princess - she wants it. Micah tells us that she is our princess & likes to dress up as one. She loves to play in the closet in our room. Today, I had the bedroom door closed. She started pointing to the door saying, "Oh no, My princess closet."

True to being a princess - she does not like to get dirty. She is always ready to wash stuff off her hands. She especially does not like mud on her feet. If she gets mud on her feet, she will cry to come take a bath. Not at all like her sister.

Reading in a basket

Gabriella loves to read. She takes after her "MaMa" and her "Peepaw." She will spend 45 minutes pulling all the books out of the basket in her room or off the shelf in her sister's room. Then she will intently look at one book. When she is done looking at it, she throws it over her shoulder and then moves to the next book. It is not uncommon for her to come walking in to me with a book saying, "MaMa book!" When I sit down, she will squeal and then fall into my lap so we can read her chosen book.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Trip to Grandma's

We drove out west to visit Grandma this weekend. We really enjoyed getting to visit with her. The girls had an absolute blast. If Micah was not sleeping on the way there she was saying, "I want to go to Grandma's." Gabriella and Micah both loved playing and exploring in Grandma's house. Gabriella especially loved getting all of the books off of Grandma's shelves to look through them. Micah really loved going to into the basement to play. She would tell Clay and I that she wanted to go "upstairs" - which meant she wanted to go to the basement. It is a blessing to get to spend time with Grandma and to learn from her. I am also so thankful that my girls are getting a chance to know her. I hope that they will always remember the fun they had at Grandma's - just like my sisters and brothers remember the fun we had when we went to Grandma and Grandpa's.

Below are some pictures of the girls playing in Grandma's beautiful yard.

Here you see Micah and Gabriella wrestling. This is a very common occurence among our two sweet girls.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The world would like to welcome us to the 21st century

Well, we have finally jumped on ye olde band wagon and created a blog, now if only someone will read it...
